Some of my favourite illustration projects.
I love creating bespoke illustrations. If you’re looking for an illustrator get in touch for a free quote.
Thriving Tomorrow: Navigating Resilience hui/h3>
This hero illustration for a climate change conference was designed with elements that could be isolated for use in the advertising and conference materials. In terms of imagery, rather than pre-empting solutions, I aimed to evoke the beauty of humanity and our world while also conveying a sense of turmoil.
Thriving Tomorrow: Navigating Resilience hui
These separate elements were drawn from the hero illustration and used throughout the promotion and design elements for this community based hui on climate change.
Carving in Ice
Illustration and poster design for The Manic Monologues, a theatre piece designed to disrupt mental health stigma. With this image I wanted to capture the profound sense of dislocation that many of us feel when we are unwell.
Our Broken Planet
An illustration of the endangered Australian Numbat, as part of an online wildlife fundraiser for Our Broken Planet. It was an honour to contribute to this cause by illustrating these amazing little creatures!
Our Broken Planet
A digital illustration of the endangered Sumatran Elephant, as part of a wildlife fundraiser for Our Broken Planet. Such a magnificent animal!
Animal Dreams
Designed and illustrated poster for a night of live audio visual performances at The Meteor Theatre in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Carving in Ice
Illustrated and designed poster for An Oak Tree, a conceptual theatre performance featuring a hypnotist as the central character.
Pauly B meets Subset B.C
Designed and illustrated gig poster for a night of live audio visual performance at The Dome in Gisborne, New Zealand.
Coro Summer Fest
Designed and illustrated poster for a summer music festival in beautiful Coromandel, New Zealand.
NZ Mental Health Foundation
This campaign illustration features the New Economics Foundation's Five Ways to Mental Wellbeing.
Personal project
An educational illustration depicting the planets of our solar system, personified.